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MOSCAD-M Remote Terminal Unit

The MOSCAD-M RTU is the smallest member of the Motorola family of RTUs. It incorporates a fixed configuration of analog and digital inputs and outputs. MOSCAD-M is capable of communicating in a network with MOSCAD and ACE3600 RTUs. Although small in size the MOSCAD-M enough has power to satisfy a wide range of SCADA applications.

MOSCAD-M has a compact size and low power consumption which makes it ideal in outdoor locations with solar and battery power sources.

MOSCAD-M is Programmable

MOSCAD-M is an intelligent RTU. While monitoring and controlling the remote site, it makes decisions based on local conditions, data imported from other sites and upon commands from the control center. Typical MOSCAD-M applications include remote monitoring and control of valves and pumps; moni-toring of tank levels, pipeline cathodic protection, rain and flood, environmental pollution, chemical spill, radioactive radiation.

MOSCAD-M is Compact

MOSCAD-M is the smallest RTU in the MOSCAD product family. MOSCAD-M is designed for indoor installation “as-is” or for outdoor installation within a suitable cabinet as required by the application.

MOSCAD-M is Versatile

MOSCAD-M is offered in basic I/O and expanded I/O configurations. Each MOSCAD- M model includes two serial ports and may include a two-way radio. An external wire-line modem or radio may be connected to the RTU.

MOSCAD-M Power Management

Low power consumption is achieved by utilizing Power Save mode. In this mode, power is provided only to the circuits and elements activated by the application program. The RTU is switched to sleep mode when all circuits are idle and awakens when any predefined event occurs.

MOSCAD-M Intelligent Communications

MOSCAD-M utilizes the MDLC protocol that is based on the OSI/ISO protocol suite. It supports versatile communication modes including polling, event driven reporting, report by exception, etc. The MDLC net-working capabilities enable all the RTUs in a MOSCAD system to communicate in a point-to-multipoint configuration with the control center, in a peer-to-peer configuration with each other and in a hierarchical network structure.

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